Yes, I want to help get the criminals off the streets to make my neighborhood safe.
Crime Stoppers succeeds in our community because of the support of generous donors like you. If you would like to make a contribution to our work, you can mail your donation to:
Crime Stoppers of Central Ohio
PO Box 16038
Columbus, OH 43216-6308
All donations are tax-deductible. Donors receive yearly receipting.
EIN 31-0916741
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
You can donate online below using a credit card OR a PayPal account. When donating online, you do NOT need a PayPal account in order to use your credit card. Just look for the link that says “Don’t Have A PayPal account?” and continue processing your donation by entering your information on the following screen. PayPal is simply OUR payment processor, but YOU don’t need a PayPal account at all in order to donation.